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Vidya Nitin HATE MD
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Recommended Doctor
Vidya Nitin HATE MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology - Florida Titusville

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(City : Titusville)
(ZIP : 32796)
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Vidya Nitin HATE MD's Special Expertises :
Obstetrics And Gynecology

Suggestions & Reviews for Vidya Nitin HATE MD
Susan (Patient) 10-24-2018
I went like year apart ended up with hysterectomy kept ovaries. First time I went non military doctor. Lived in the area for 4 years started having extreme pain. She was only Doctor that could get me in quickly and took insurance. So consider I was thinking there something severe and she was very generally concerned and I got a Ultrasound quickly. Didn't find anything. But a year later after having several large blood clots in 8 hours I was ready for hysterectomy. It has been one week and going from several and severe contractions to feeling great. I have had no problems afterwards I differently appreciated she doesn't believe in rushing one day surgery I spent one night in hospital.

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S.M Rezner (Patient) 09-04-2014
Dr. Hate' is very professional she has helped My Grandmother Me and My mother and will be my daughters doctor as long as possible too. She is thorough and business like however whenever there is something serious she becomes compassionate and caring she found my cancer and referred me to several doctors and has called to check up on me every step of my recovery. She helped break the news to my mother and she has been 100% supportive throughout the entire ordeal. She listened to me when I told her about my bleeding she offered me several options we went threw the process as a team, i felt like I was more then just another patient to her, and that made this ordeal much easier to go threw.

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Office Based Practice
Doctor's Hospital    
Doctor's Office    
Office 1785 Garden St Brevard Titusville FL 32796
Map and Directions
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(321) 2684422
Fax # :
(321) 2642606

Personal Information
Medical School
Grant Med Coll, Univ Of Bombay, Bombay, Maharashtra, India
Graduation Year
(51 years of experience)

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