This doctor's information needs to be updated. This is the right doctor (there can't be two with this name in the same specialty!). He is currently with Beaver Medical Group, which is based in Redlands, CA. His offices are in Banning, CA and his primary hospital affiliation is Redlands Community Hospital.
I received a full hysterectomy from Dr. Toursarkissian on 8/23/11 at Redlands Community Hospital. He specializes in using the DaVinci Surgical Method (robotic assisted surgery). I was up to full activity in a week and return to work in two. Dr. T (as he is fondly known) is kind, caring, skilled, with a positive attitude and sense of humor. I saw him this morning for my two-week checkup and I am almost sad that I won't have to see him again for another year. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. T. for any OB/GYN needs! His information just needs to be updated in your system so people can find him.
His full bio can be found at the websites for Beaver Medical Group dot com and DaVinci Surgery dot com
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