Heard of Dr. Lambe from others who have followed her for a while. Not just for being smart but for being decent and the way she cares. Dr Lambe takes care of my teen-age daughters, one of them has had tough times worse when she was younger. She has mild depression.Both girls are real comfortable with Dr Lambe really look forward to coming in. And my girls can be like fighting cats with anyone else. Dr. Lambe listens differently than anyone else I ever met hard to describe exactly. Listens carefully, with gratitude I think is the word- what is going on that day or asks my girls where their journey is. I wish I could do what Mary does. She is funny but only to poke fun at herself and serious. Works with the girls and us to brainstorm solutions.
I don't know how she seems to know the next part of the story but I gave up on that a long time ago. Doesn't hurry either girl and gives them the trust of their own thinking, helps all of us get logical thinking, and she calls it testing out ideas or data. She doesn't make words go one way.
I love my daughters because of course I think they are the best! Dr Lambe sees it too. She seems to see it in everyoneshe seems to see that way if she looks at everyone. Even my teen agers walk out feeling more valued. Like the opposite of just an another number. My daughter who has depression and stuff wouldn't see any more psychiatrists at first till she and Dr Lambe shook hands that my daughter would try again. Still I think it is Lambe and the meds Lambe chose. I am just relieved to have my girl abck
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