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Obstetrics & Gynecology - Delaware Georgetown

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(City : Georgetown)
(ZIP : 19947)
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Steven BERLIN MD's Special Expertises :
Obstetrics And Gynecology

Suggestions & Reviews for Steven BERLIN MD
Nancy (Patient) 08-03-2008
I found Dr. Berlin to be a wonderful and careing physican and surgeon. He took the time to discuss all of my options with be about the Hysterectomy and the pros and cons of the surgery. He did not rush me to make my decision.

I found his staff to be very profession also.

Unfortunaly this area is growing so fast and there are not enough Doctors in our area to handle this growth, that patients sometimes have a hard time getting an appointment if they are new patients. This is not just Bayside's problems but all of the Doctors in Lower Sussex County

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Tracy Evans (Patient) 01-17-2007
Dr. Berlin was reliable, dependable and patient with me. He even insisted that everything be discussed when my family could be present. He was also an excellant surgeon and took very good care of me. I do not like dealing with his office and its' employees, but, if you can get to him, it will be worth it.

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Office Based Practice
Doctor's Hospital    
Doctor's Office    
Office 600 N Dupont Hwy Ste 208 Georgetown 19947
Map and Directions
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(302) 6454700
Fax # :
(302) 6456285

Personal Information
Medical School
Finch U Of Hs/Chicago Med Sch, North Chicago Il 60664
Graduation Year
(41 years of experience)

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