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SuggestADoctor.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with any doctor, health provider or insurance network companies. SuggestADoctor.com in an impartial portal created for visitors to provide feedback regarding the healthcare and bedside manner received by personal physicians and surgeons.

SuggestADoctor.com is intended for education and personal referrals from patients and doctors in a quest for excellent health care providers. SuggestADoctor.com intends to encourage consumers/patients to investigate their choices and become a partner with their medical health care provider.

For more information regarding the intent and use of SuggestADoctor.com, please visit the privacy policy.

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SuggestADoctor.com is a project of HysterSisters, Inc.

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Page Visitors: 132591, Last Visitor was Guest at Today - 01:01 PM.
Page Created at 12-03-2006 - 06:22 PM, Last Modified : 04-30-2008 - 06:48 PM.