"What Your Gynecologist Never Told You... And Your Mother Didn't Know". This is everything you will need to know before your next gynecologic exam. This is a must read for all women. So mothers, buy this book for your daughters and sisters.
Book is available in paperback on www.Amazon.com and www. Authorhouse.com
Tara Ann SOLOMON MD's Special Expertises :
Obstetrics And Gynecology
Menopause and Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Suggestions & Reviews for Tara Ann SOLOMON MD
Darleen Magrini (Patient)
Dr. Solomon and her staff are absolutely amazing. I have been with Dr. Solomon for 17 years, had surgery and other issues and always felt confident being in her hands. Her office and bedside manner is just amazing, you feel like you're with your best friend.
Her staff welcomes you with open arms, makes you feel important and loved.
I can go on forever about all of them, but if you need an AMAZING Dr..... Dr. Solomon is the one to choose.
Love her!
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JESSICA (Patient)
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Donna M (Patient)
Dr. Solomon is a God Send. She is very interested in her patients well being. Her personality just draws you in. I went to see her for an original consult for Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. I did not feel like I was rushed thru the process. She explained everything to me in a manner that I could understand. Her facebook page provides her patients with daily information on various topics relating to womens health. I was so impressed with her that I switched to her practice and now drive 40 minutes to see her. I highly eccommend her.
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G.L (Patient)
Dr. Tara Salomon took me in 5 years ago after an hysterectomy that was not performed properly. Although is known that no doctor will try to "fix" what another did/did not do on you, she actually did. She listened to what I have to say and tried her best to help me, but surgery was the best option. Before going into the surgery, Dr. Salomon explained to me the pro and cons and what to expect. Once she operated, all the warnings took place. I bled for a month (as I did after my first surgery). Dr. Salomon saw me every 48 hrs. to check me and change all the bandages that needed to be changed. She called me from her personal phone the days I would not see her, just to find out how I felt. She actually DID NOT HAVE TO DO IT (as my first surgeon did). She did not need to call of check on me. She did not have to take me on a Saturday and she did not have to give me any pills to calm me down as my first surgeon did when I told him that I was not feeling myself (he did not take the time to explain to me the hormonal imbalance after a hysterectomy). Dr. Salomon treated me as a friend, not as a patient. There was no need to tiptoe around me. Dr. Salomon knew I did not need to feel patronized. She knew I needed help and she gave it to me in the best form she could... applying her knowledge and getting me back to health.
Last year a mammogram came in suspicious ad I received a call from Dr. Salomon's office to let me know to get another test asap. I and went back to my breast surgeon but unfortunately he was not taking my insurance anymore. I called Dr. Salomon's office to ask if they knew someone who can they recommend. Within 10 minutes I got an email from Dr. Salomon herself, recommending me one of the best breast surgeons in town.
I could never thank her enough and writing about my experience so far, I find it best fitting.
Would I recommend Dr. Salomon? Only if you want the straightforward answer and the best approach; absolutely. If you need to be treated like a princess, I would say Dr. Salomon will not be the best match for you. We are all adults and there are not lollipops in her office. Just people that know what they do and want the best for you.
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Doreen D (Patient)
"she is an excellent doctor,human being, brilliant, articulate and compassionate" I had major issues and she got me throught it......I love, love her.
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Melinda B (Patient)
I Have to say that I had the best Female check up I have ever had. Up untill now I thought the male Dr that I had been using was the answer but I have been wrong for 25 years.....
I just spent an hour and a half in the most thuro exam that I had no idea how badly I needed. Dr Solomon found a fibroid tumor I had no Idea I had, she got my sex drive sorted out and now we are working on my menopause issues. She ia a wealth of knowledge and a real breath of fresh air.
I felt this wonderful buzz in the atmosphear as I was waiting to be examed. It wasn't like any other office I had ever been in.
I felt this level of comfort that just was there in the office. Dr Solomon ansewered all my questions and gave me alot of information I never even thought about. My next move is to set up an appointment for my 12 year old daughter with Dr Solomon. Thank you Dr S. You make a diffrence in my life ...
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Cherie (Patient)
I've been a patient of Dr. Solomon since 2002. In my junior year of high school, I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts. I was seeing a different gynecologist at 'East-West OB/GYN' and all he did was prescribe me birth control and pain pills- no matter how much pain I was in. I went to the ER twice under his care due to the excruciating pain I was in, and the physicians there gave me vicodin for the pain. Long story short, after dealing with the pains, the vomiting and the excessive bleeding for almost two years, I called my insurance company to get a referral to another gynecologist- they sent me to Dr. Solomon. After my second visit to her and she noticed that my cysts are not getting any smaller and her being aware of all my pains & discomfort I was enduring, she immediately scheduled surgery for me. I'm TERRIFIED of needles and hospitals and Dr. Solomon was there with me the entire way-except when I woke up in the recovery room, she was already gone to her office seeing her patients :o). However, her staff did call a few hours after to make sure I was ok! I must say, I am very thankful that my insurance company found Dr. Solomon for me. I've never had a Doctor that was so patient and made sure all my questions are answered before I leave the office. Although I'm unemployed and no longer have health insurance, I REFUSE to see any other Doctor! Dr. Solomon knows her stuff and she obviously enjoys her career and her patients. Her team is unbelievably sincere and caring, and I wouldn't change a thing about Dr. Solomon if I could- I love and appreciate her for all she does and who she is!
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Mary P (Patient)
She does a comprehensive examination when you visit her. She extremely knowledgeable about nutrition and advises women to care for the body with good nutrition and is not quick to medicate without need.
I highly recommend Tara Solomon to those who are currently looking for an obgyn or are not satisfied with their current Dr.
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Heather (Patient)
Dr. Solomon has been such a blessing to me and my family. I started seeing Dr. Solomon in 2006, after moving to South FLorida. She was recommended to me by a friend who was having fertility issues. My husband and I wanted to have another baby, and had been unsuccessful. After Dr. Solomon performed some tests, she realized my folopian tubes were blocked. After clearing my tubes, I was pregnant three months later! Dr. Solomon was with us every step of the way during my pregnancy, high risk because of my history of premature labor. I did deliver six weeks early, he was 6 1/2 lbs!, and Dr. Solomon checked on him everyday he spent in the NICU. He is now two years old and such a wonderful addition to our family! Dr. Solomon is a wonderful and caring physician, I would recommend her to anyone.
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Carole (Patient)
She is very professional and most of all she actually care about her patients. She always try to work with you & help you. I have been her patient for at least 10 yrs.
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beth (Patient)
I would like to share a story with all of you. Think back over the years of people who made a great impression on your life maybe a coach,teacher,preacher,parent... for me I can say all the above plus Dr. Tara Solomon. My Dad always told me to be a ten percenter meaning that you need to be in that 10% of people that give 100%+ to everything you do because 90% of people only give 10 % and if you give 100% then you will not only stand out in this word and you will make it a better place. I have notice over several years that there are not many people that give that 100% and when you meet them you don't forget Them so that is where the story of Dr. Tara Solomon starts lets just say there is now doubt I was going to be giving birth to a very large baby 9-10 lbs at least , After getting the run around form a few other Dr.'s I emailed Dr Solomon and ask her if I could be her patient we discussed my options and several months latter I gave birth to baby boy. She calmed all my fears, encourage me through several hours of LABOR and when it was all said and done what a great experience. It is so wonderful to know that one person would chose to give 100% plus some to make sure her patients have the best possible care she can give. With my deepest heartfelt emotion I am so blessed to have Tara Solomon as my Doctor.
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Sandy (Patient)
Dr Tara SoIomon has a great friendly, open and communicative manner. I really appreciate having a doctor who is thorough and knowledgeable as well as one who always make me feel that they are truly interested in my well being. You will like this Dr.!! I did from day one, as she was my first female gyn.
I have used Dr. Solomon for my annual female checkups, based on a recommendation from a young co-worker, for over ten years now and would follow her to any part of S Florida.
Her waiting room has patients of all ages and her staff is thorough and friendly as well. I think you will like her.
And I'll certainly will be back next year. Sandy
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Riki O (Patient)
I trust Dr. Solomon with my life, she saved it for me. She is sincere and the most honest doctor I know. She wil spend as much time with you as needed to make you understand. After she removed a cyst we found it to be cancerous and then she recommended I have a total hysterectomy. While I was recuperating in the hospital she took time out of her schedule to come and check in on me. The only unfortunate thing about all this is that for the next 5 years I have to go to the gyn. oncologist instead of her. Thank you Doc!
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Sandy H (Patient)
I had been seeing the same OBGYN for several years. I wanted to switch to a female and a friend of mine referred me the Dr. Solomon. My friend told me that she did not take her insurance and she had to pay out of pocket but did not care because she was worth it. The first time I saw Dr. Solomon I had filled out patient information forms complaining about a pinching on my left side and frequent urination. Based on my symptoms she told me that I had a condition called intersistial cystitis. I had seen several doctors over the years for this, Urologist, OBGYN and no one could tell me what it was. I was even sent to physical therapy for it and nothing ever got better. Dr. Solomon had been one of the only Dr's who knew what it what and how to treat it. She gave me medication and it went away after three months. A month after I saw her I found out I was pregnant, I had a miscarriage at three months. I was told I had fibroids and have to have them removed in order to not miscarry again. The surgery was just like having a c-section. I had to be cut in order to get them out because they were very deep. The surgery was painful but succesful. After six weeks I was cleared to try and get pregnant again. I got pregnant a month later. She delieverd my son by c-section that was planned. I was not even nervous because she makes you feel so comfortable. She is so trustworthy and very intelligent with a wonderful personality!!!! Since then I had to have another surgery. I did not have to think twice about it. I would have ten more by her if I had to. She is the best doctor I have ever been to and I am in the medical field myself. I am very picky when it comes to who I choose as my doctor. I see her for everything now and have not been to my Primary Care doctor in three years. My husband loves her and he typically does not like many people. I reccomended two friends to her and they called to thank me because she helped them get their hormone levels back to normal. They told me they had not felt that good in years....
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LoriFluellen (Patient)
I was in terrible pain and bleeding very heavily. With extreme confidence she told me she would zap my fibroid out and I would feel great. It was done and I've never had a problem since the amazing outpatient surgery. I ewent to 3 other docxtors and they wanted to do extreme medical surgeries and long stays og getting well. Thank you Dr. Solomon - your simply the best.
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E. Johnson (Patient)
Just keep in mind, Dr. Solomon is an OB/GYN as I tell my traumatic experience. In 2000, I was admitted to a local hospital as I had horrific abdominal pain and distension. I layed in the E.R. for 16 hours in delireous pain. Screaming in pain, unable to move, the E.R. physician explained to me to keep quiet or he would not treat me in that hospital. 16 hours later, I still remained in the E.R. after having a CAT scan which was misdiagnosed as me having a "hairball". Wow...how could I have a hairball when the sensation of a hair in my mouth gags me? My life was saved by Dr. Solomon. She left her office in Coconut Ck. immediately to come to Boca to check on me after her exhausting hours there. She confirmed I needed emergency surgery which the physicians at the hospital disagreed. She had me sign myself out. Called NWMC to alarm the hospital she was bringing me herself to the hospital and needed a stretcher and immediate assistance. I vaguely recall lying in her back set of her car screaming in pain as she drove like crazy to get me to the Medical Center in Margate. She had the CAT scan repeated and immediately called in a gastro surgeon for emergency surgery. I had been missdiagnosed in Boca hospital and actually had a colon obstruction. She is my guardian angel as she saved my life that night. Otherwise, I would have died of peritonitis. Unfortuanately, I lost five feet of my colon lying in Boca hospital but I am alive today to share my story. Dr. Solomon is a true wonder and a angel sent to all of us! Thank you Dr. Solomon!
21 (100%) people found this suggestion helpful Was it helpful to you?  
Susan M (Patient)
Dr. Solomon's expertise saved my life. She diagnosed from a phone conversation and I was rushed to the er where she had everything organized for a timely life saving surgery. South Fla. women are so fortunate to have such a compassionate, talanted doctor that avails herself to the latest cutting edge science for her patients. She has gone above and beyond time and time again for myself and other patients. Her waiting room is filled with patients who adore her.
I highly recommend her. She is well known and respected in the community for her surgical expertise and contributions to orgainzations that empower women.
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ANDREA (Friend)
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Sherika Simpson (Patient)
Dr. Solomon is one of the most knowledgeable doctors in her field. She is an expert in hormone replacement therapy and the use bio-identicals. Dr. Solomon is not your average gynecologist, she is cheerful, comforting and knows what it"s like to be a woman.
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CARRIE (Patient)
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Patti D (Patient)
I had my first visit with DR. Solomon after being with the same obgyn for 20 years. I only heard excellent things about this physician from my friend and co workers, so i deceided to see for myself. I wa so impressed by her professionalism and knowledge and utmost excellent care. I would refer to all my friends. The office staff was amazing and very caring. It was a great experience for me. What took me so long to change to a female practitioner.
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Jasmine (Patient)
Dr. Solomon is the best down to earth doctor that I have ever met. She has a wonderful beside manor and is extreamly knowledgeable about the female body. She monitored my entire pregnancy and delivered my beautiful daughter Janae. I felt she was more than a doctor to me, she was always there no matter what time of day or night I needed her. I always enjoyed going to the office and seeing her wonderful and caring staff. I would recommend anyone who needed a great OB/GYN to Dr. Solomon.
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Elaine (Patient)
I went through an early menopause at age 41 with the most severe symptoms. I was totally fatigued, cried all of the time, couldn't function at work, had memory loss, and no libido. Thank the Lord above for giving me the privelege to find Dr. Solomon in my time of desperation! She is the most caring and intelligent physician I havre ever met. She started me on her bioidentical hormones 12 years ago which saved my life so I could function like a normal human being! She always knows the answers to all of my questions and takes the time to listen. I have recommended Dr. Solomon to all of my friends for the past 12 years. I don't trust any other physician!!!
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Marie (Patient)
It is very important to be able to talk to your Doctor (especially your OB/GYN) and feel comfortable not intimidated. Dr. Tara Solomon listens, cares and is always available for her patients. Her knowledge is amazing. My experience at her office was a very pleasent one. The office staff was great too! I am so happy I found Dr. Solomon, and would recommend her to all my friends and co-workers without hesitation.
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Jen (Patient)
I don't ever comment or leave messages on blogs. But when I saw that you could suggest a Dr. for someone I had to recommend Dr. Solomon. I have been her patient for at least 5 yrs, she has performed 2 C-sections on me resulting in 2 beautiful girls. Everything about her and her office is wonderful. You feel like family. The most memorable thing about her, which should give you an insider look is that when one of my daughters was in the hospital for something unrelated she saw my husband in the hall at 10pm and had to come by just to see how i was and how the baby was. And she stopped by again the next day. Don't hesitate to just call and give her a try.
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Bobbi (Patient)
After having two previous male doctors, I decided it was time to find a female doctor. Doctor Tara Solomon is a wonderful doctor. She is totally dedicated to her patients and takes the time to get to know her patients. She has helped me through a most difficult time with medical issues and I so appreciate all the extra attention she gave me. Her office staff is also wonderful. She was highly recommended to me by some of my neighbors and I would definately recommend her to anyone looking for a super doctor.
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Jane Ramsey (Patient)
Dr. Tara Solomon performed a hysterectomy on me November 16, 2007. I had been misdiagnosed for 3-1/2 years by other doctors. In my first visit with her she pinpointed exactly what was wrong with me thru an ultrasound and thru really listening to me about my symptoms. She discussed many options and things to try before resorting to a hysterectomy. In the end, only the surgery was going to help me. I like the fact that she does her own surgery instead of referring you out. I think Dr. Solomon is a brilliant, physician and she and her office staff really care about their patients. I am so grateful to my co-worker who "made" me go get a third opinion from her "miracle doctor!"
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vanessa (Patient)
She will take time to listen to you, answer your questions and even answer the ones you forgot to ask. Her office is very nice and so is the staff.
Normally I get sent to a lab to do work, my check up I had labs and ultrasound done right there, diagnosed and scheduled for surgery. She is awesome and knows a lot!
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