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Obstetrics & Gynecology - Ohio Dayton

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(City : Dayton)
(ZIP : 45458)
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Caroline E PETERSON DO's Special Expertises :
Obstetrics And Gynecology

Suggestions & Reviews for Caroline E PETERSON DO
Deena (Patient) 07-31-2021
Met her in April 2021. She was my second opinion doctor and I owe my life to her. I started a very heavy period on 1/6/2021 that didn't stop. After multiple medicines and very invasive procedures that didn't help I went to her. She is very kind, patient, and knowledgeable. She knew exactly what needed to be done. I am 7 weeks post op from LAVH and I'm so glad she was my doctor. I feel better than I have in years and I owe it all to her. I will say that you do have a bit of a wait when you have an appointment but her expertise in all things gynecology/obstetrics related is worth it.

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eljones (Patient) 01-14-2014
I would HIGHLY recommend this Doctor. She was recommended to me and I am very happy with the results. She took the time to listen to me and my symptoms. She looks at you when she talks to you and she explains things and answers questions. She and her staff are considerate and compassionate. I have and will recommend her to everyone. Her treatment of me has changed my life.

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Maggie (Patient) 04-14-2009
Dr. Peterson is the best doctor I have ever had. I wish she was my PCP. She has done several laparoscopy surgeries on me. She is very personable and takes the time to listen and understand you as a patient. I highly recommend her. I have been on supplements she has given me and it has changed my life. She is a one of a kind doctor and I can't thank her enough for providing such great care!

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Sharon P (Patient) 12-18-2008
I am truly grateful to find a very skill and knowledgeable female doctor for this type of medical need. She is full of life and energy and always helpful. I would strongly recommend her!!

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Full-Time Hospital Staff
Doctor's Hospital    
Grandview Hosp & Med Ctr, Dayton, Oh
Grandview Hosp & Med Ctr, Dayton, Oh 8940 Kingsridge Dr Ste 101 Montgomery Dayton OH 45458
Map and Directions
Doctor's Office    
Phone Number    
Hospital Phone # :
(937) 4334325
Fax # :
(937) 2375183

Personal Information
Medical School
Western U Hlt Sci Col Osteo Med Of The Pacific, Pomona Ca 91766
Graduation Year
(36 years of experience)

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