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Internal Medicine - Delaware Lewes

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(City : Lewes)
(ZIP : 19958)
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Jose A PANDO MD's Special Expertises :

Suggestions & Reviews for Jose A PANDO MD
Connie L (Patient) 09-02-2010
What a wonderful man! Im afflicted with the rare disease Scleroderma. Ive seen the compassion in this doctors eyes as Ive started to bawl a few times in his office. His hug meant SO much to me as he promised me he'd be right by my side to help me in everyway possible. Although there is no cure for this dreaded ailment...he has done his best to keep me comfortable thru it all. I highly recommend this doctor to anyone who needs a Rheumatologist. Dr. Pando, if you are reading this, God Bless you and PLEASE continue to offer those hugs to patients. It means so much to us patients who sometimes feel like giving up when faced with this terminal disease. Your blessings have gone a long way with me. May God keep you and YOUR family in good health and happiness!

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Audra Hart (Patient) 01-11-2007
Specializing in Rheumatology, Dr. Pando is a gentle and caring Doctor. He is very thorough and attentive. He has a very well stocked office including electrotheraputic devices and array of services to help those suffering with the pain of rhuematoid arthritis and other painful ailments. He is a very soft-spoken and warm Doctor who is extremely easy to talk to. He does have a general practice. Dr Pando is the only Doctor who has been able to get me any relief for my low back pain. I highly recommend him to anyone.

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Office Based Practice
Doctor's Hospital    
Doctor's Office    
Office 1305 Savannah Rd Lewes 19958
Map and Directions
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(302) 6442633
Fax # :
(302) 6449192

Personal Information
Medical School
Univ Auto De Guadalajara, Fac De Med, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Graduation Year
(41 years of experience)

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