LOVED Dr. Heiner! he was very good at answering all my questions, and he took the time to sit down and explain and suggest things that could work for me.I never felt I waited for my appointments, Dr. Heiner was very timely. His nurse, Rachel was also super informative and friendly and always willing to answer any questions I had. would also like to comment about Dr. Gilliand (who performed my 2nd FET) he was so kind and very knowledgeable and explained every little detail to me during our FET process and the steps that were taking place at that appointment. Dr. Gilliand really made me feel like I was the most important person there at the clinic that day, and he kept reassuring me that no matter how long the process took I was the only reason he was there, he was so kind and patient (as i had to go empty my bladder two times during the transfer). once the embryo was placed inside my uterus, he went back once more on the ultrasound machine to make sure I could see it on the screen. and even more impressive, he kindly offered a prayer once the transfer was complete, which impressed me a lot, and made me feels at such peace!
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