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Heather COLE MD
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Recommended Doctor
Heather COLE MD
Orthopedics - Arizona Scottsdale

Heather COLE
Recommended Doctor Info
Doctor's Name  

Heather COLE MD



(City : Scottsdale)
(ZIP : 85251)
Patient Recommendations
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Heather COLE MD's Special Expertises :
Focus on complex injuries to the pelvis, acetabulum, and periarticular extremity injuries. Aptitude and proficiency performing anterior total hip replacements.

Suggestions & Reviews for Heather COLE MD
Lynda M (Patient) 03-16-2017
Dr. Cole is very conscientious and friendly. Hope all is progressing as it should be.

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Caleb P (Patient) 03-04-2017
Broke my hip and needed surgery. I do not remember the procedure, a good thing. My limitations, recovery, exercise and such were all explained clearly and concisely. My questions and concerns were handled professionally and quickly.

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Marilyn S (Patient) 03-02-2017
Dr. Cole operated to correct a broken kneecap suffered in a fall. She has obviously done well as my knee seems to be healing well.

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Betty H (Patient) 02-28-2017
Dr. Cole is great. Could not be better.

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Lois T (Patient) 02-25-2017
Everyone was very professional, but personal enough that I felt comfortable.

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Jane R (Patient) 01-06-2017
On November 23, 2016, I sustained a complicated knee injury. Dr. Cole was referred to me, and I feel overwhelmingly blessed. From the time I met Dr. Cole and throughout the surgery, her professionalism and expertise became and remains a source of comfort. Additionally, the entire staff has brought comfort and professionalism throughout my healing process. I truly am beyond grateful.

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Office Based Practice
Doctor's Hospital    
Doctor's Office    
Office 3126 N. Civic Center Plaza AZ 85251
Map and Directions
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(480) 8742040
Internet Site    
Doctor's Website

Personal Information
Medical School
The University of Arizona College of Medicine
Graduation Year
(18 years of experience)

Doctor's Videos

Doctor's Memories

Doctor Tags
Search Doctors within Tags
Hip Replacement, Pelvis, Hip Reconstruction, Acetabular