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Obstetrics & Gynecology - Texas New Braunfels

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(City : New Braunfels)
(ZIP : 78130)
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Mary E GELDERNICK MD's Special Expertises :
Obstetrics And Gynecology

Suggestions & Reviews for Mary E GELDERNICK MD
Lisa W (Patient) 09-16-2018
I have been Dr. G's patient since February of 1999, when I moved to this area and had to go straight to the hospital for observation for pre-eclampsia. I had not yet had my first visit with her, but the on-call doctor called her, since he "wouldn't touch me" with my BP of 220/200. She turned her car around from heading out on vacation and I have loved her ever since. She is very honest, thorough, and direct -- no sugar-coating of anything here. She is very supportive of her patient's desires, many times to the nurses' chagrin, if you're in the hospital. I absolutely feel she saved the life of me and my first baby, and she delivered my next two as well, all via c-section. Any medical professional who has seen my scar remarks on how "beautiful" it is. She sat with me and cried after one of my miscarriages, and she would sit behind me in church, entertaining my toddler(s). Since I have history of rapid, easy recovery post-surgery, she allowed me to go home 22 hours after my TAH, with a follow-up one week later at her office, and a scheduled follow-up at 10 weeks post-op. I could not love this doctor more, and will absolutely have some emotional issues when she retires. I cannot ever imagine trusting or forming such a strong bond with another doctor.

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Office Based Practice
Doctor's Hospital    
Doctor's Office    
Office 505 N Union Ave Comal New Braunfels TX 78130
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(830) 6296462

Personal Information
Medical School
Tx Tech Univ Hlth Sci Ctr Sch Of Med, Lubbock Tx 79430
Graduation Year
(34 years of experience)

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