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Guy David GOBER MD
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Recommended Doctor
Guy David GOBER MD
Urology - Georgia Clayton

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(City : Clayton)
(ZIP : 30525)
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Guy David GOBER MD's Special Expertises :

Suggestions & Reviews for Guy David GOBER MD
Phyllis Petty RDH (Patient) 12-18-2019
Dr. Gober is a master in the medical world. After contacting several Urologist offices and going to an emergency care clinic..for what I thought was a bad UTI. I had exhausted the common list of antibiotics for this condition. I just walked into his office after my daughter urged me to try again . He saw me as a patient immediately( no waiting for 3 weeks} In one day he had me scheduled for surgery for what he described as the largest bladder tumor he had ever seen . It was not just his skill as a surgeon, his urgency , but his compassionate truthful explanation of my condition and his upbeat view on life and health that has compelled me to write a review.This was almost 2 years ago. I am still his patient and have the greatest respect for him because he has literally "saved my life". Had I again been brushed aside to wait ...the tumor could have been so large and invasive that surgery would have meant removing my bladder and had it extended outside of the bladder wall and metastasized a very grim future and likely early death. I owe my life to him and some very well deserved members of his staff .

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Doctor's Hospital    
Doctor's Office    
Office 165 Ridgecrest Cir Ste A Rabun Clayton GA 30525
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(706) 7823572
Fax # :
(706) 7821255

Personal Information
Medical School
Med Coll Of Ga Sch Of Med, Augusta Ga 30912
Graduation Year
(40 years of experience)

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