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Stephen Peter SAKOVICH MD
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Recommended Doctor
Stephen Peter SAKOVICH MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology - Texas Irving

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(City : Irving)
(ZIP : 75062)
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Stephen Peter SAKOVICH MD's Special Expertises :
Obstetrics And Gynecology

Suggestions & Reviews for Stephen Peter SAKOVICH MD
Crystal M. (Patient) 06-07-2011
Dr.Sakovich is caring for me at this moment, hes a physician i would recommend for my family and friends. After having my 2nd child i rely alot on Sakovich because no other Dr has cared for me like he does. I would rate him a 10..Thank you Doc and your staff is so wonderful.

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Marilyn (Patient) 07-26-2010
Yes, Dr Sak is the best! He suggested I have a hysterectomy several years ago. I did not know anything about his surgical background so I asked a friend who knew the surgical nurses in the hospital where Dr. Sak performed surgeries. They all had the same response. Dr. Sak would be the one they would go to if they ever needed surgery. That was good enough for me. Well he did an excellent job--I was ready to get out of bed within a few days but I followed doctor's orders and stayed off my feet. Complete and fast recovery thanks to an excellent surgeon.

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osbalda u (Patient) 07-22-2010
he is a great doctor. He never lets people go on disability which saves insurance companies a lot of money.

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Christy H (Patient) 04-08-2010
Dr. Sakovich is an incredible doctor with a great bedside manner. He listens thoroughly, is very empathetic and genuinely cares. He has handled all of my pregnancies and endometriosis removals. He has two locations with a great support staff. If you are looking for an obgyn, I would highly recommend Dr. Sakovich!

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Bianca (Patient) 04-07-2010
Dr. Sakovich is a great doctor. He has been our family doctor for many years. He helped my mother thru a very tough pregnacy 12 yrs ago and recently delivered my niece. Soon he will take part in the delivery of my first baby. He is very profesional and understanding to each patients needs. I would recommend him to anyone.

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Kim R (Patient) 03-30-2010
I was lucky enough to be referred to Dr. Sakovich 8 years ago when I was pregnant with my 2nd child and can not imagine going anywhere else! Dr. Sakovich is awesome and always thorough and spends time answering any question I might have. I have never had to wait to long in the reception area and his staff is always friendly. I recommend Dr. Sakovich to everyone I know!!

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P.V. (Patient) 02-27-2007
Dr. Sakovich is the greatest! I have suffered for years with endometriosis. Over the last year in particular the pain had become unbearable. I've had treatments but nothing worked for me and other doctors brushed off my complaints and didn't take my pain seriously. My old OB/GYN did not want to deal with the complexity of my particular case or the severity of it.

At my first appointment with Dr. Sakovich I was a total mess. I had spent days without a proper night's sleep and I was an emotional wreck from exhaustion and unbelievable pain. I felt hopeless and was prepared for another doctor to let me leave the office without answers. Instead he put his hand on my shoulder as I cried. He was very decisive about what needed to be done, there was no head scratching or wavering. I felt like he knew exactly what he was doing (he does!) and I felt safe and secure with what he thought I should do. At my second appointment I brought my husband who was also very impressed by his demeanor and willingness to help me find some relief. Dr. Sakovich explained everything to my husband and answered every question that he had about my disease and what we were going to do.

Two weeks after my husband and I went for that appointment I had a total abdominal hysterectomy. I'm about two weeks post op at this point and I feel better now than I've felt in the past year. Dr. Sakovich did a flawless job during surgery and even was able to detach my uterus from my bowels without causing any trauma to my bowels. On top of all that, he really knows his stuff when it comes to hormone therapy and natural hormone therapy. I have to use extra caution with hormones due to the disease...but I feel completely safe in his hands.

I would and do recommend Dr. Sakovich to family and friends. He WILL take care of you! He's the best!

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Office Based Practice
Doctor's Hospital    
Baylor Medical Center of Irving
Baylor Medical Center of Irving 1901 N. Macarthur blvd TX 75061
Map and Directions
Doctor's Office    
Office 3501 N. Macarthur Blvd suite 500 TX 75062
Map and Directions
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(972) 256 -3700
Fax # :
(972) 2589887
Hospital Phone # :
(972) 2563700
Cell Phone # :
(972) 258 -9887

Personal Information
Medical School
Texas Tech
Graduation Year
(43 years of experience)

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