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Obstetrics & Gynecology - North Dakota Grand Forks

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Doctor's Name  

North Dakota

(City : Grand Forks)
(ZIP : 58201)
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Rory D TROTTIER MD's Special Expertises :
Obstetrics And Gynecology

Suggestions & Reviews for Rory D TROTTIER MD
Theresa (Patient) 01-12-2022
I have been through a number of OB/GYNs over my life and in my opinion Dr. Trottier is the best one I've ever had. My first impression was positive because when I was a new patient he took time to get to know me and actually listen to my story. Subsequent appointments are never rushed. He is very professional, but his personality also comes through, which is really refreshing. He explains things in layman's terms, provides insight but never tries to make decisions on my behalf, he is thorough, kind, and extremely knowledgeable. He definitely knows what he is doing! As a bonus, his exam rooms are decorated with sports themes so I have something fun to look at while I am in there.

3 (100%) people found this suggestion helpful
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Jenny Dusterhoft (Patient) 03-03-2007
Dr. Trottier was wonderful at putting my mind at ease and explaining everything to me before my TAH. I think it makes such a differance to have a doctor that you feel comfortable with and that treats you like an actual person instead of just another patient. I would highly recomend him to anybody!

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Office Based Practice
Doctor's Hospital    
Doctor's Office    
Office 3065 Demers Ave Grand Forks 58201
Map and Directions
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(701) 7806000
Fax # :
(701) 7806350

Personal Information
Medical School
Univ Of Nd Sch Of Med, Grand Forks Nd 58201
Graduation Year
(33 years of experience)

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