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James Richard BOWEN MD
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Recommended Doctor
James Richard BOWEN MD
Orthopedics - Delaware Wilmington

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(City : Wilmington)
(ZIP : 19803)
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James Richard BOWEN MD's Special Expertises :
Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Orthopedics

Suggestions & Reviews for James Richard BOWEN MD
Corine (Patient) 04-15-2009
Dr. Bowen treated me and my brother for severe scoliosis for years. I turned 18 in 1988 and was discharged from Dupont after wearing the orthoplast jacket, Dr. Bowen's recommendation for a brace instead of surgery proved to be correct. I am now 39 years old, cosmetically correct, and gave birth to a wonderful boy 5 years ago. Friends from the community who have been treated by Dr. Bowen have also had positive results. My parents and I consider him an important part of our lives. He had a wonderful influence. Thanks, Dr. Bowen!

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adskls (Patient) 02-23-2009
Dr. Bowen did Scoliosis surgery on my daughter in 1997
I thank God everyday for Dr. Bowen. He is a wonderful, wonderful doctor, who explains everything, takes his time with the family & his patients and has great bed-side manner.
Twelve years later, we are faced again with another daughter having to have Scoliosis surgery and I'm so grateful to have Dr. Bowen as our surgeon. He is truly the best.

6 (100%) people found this suggestion helpful
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Catherine K (Friend) 09-30-2008
He has been a top dr at DuPont Hospital for children for many years and was involved in treating my Daugher for hip displasia He was good at listening and working with suggestions for designing a better pavloc harnis for my daughter.

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Contact Details
Major Activity    
Office Based Practice
Doctor's Hospital    
Doctor's Office    
Office 1600 Rockland Rd Alfred I Dupont Institute New Castle Wilmington DE 19803
Map and Directions
Phone Number    
Office Phone # :
(302) 6514429
Fax # :
(302) 6514327
Internet Site    
Doctor's Website

Personal Information
Medical School
Med Univ Of Sc Coll Of Med, Charleston Sc 29425
Graduation Year
(53 years of experience)

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