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Rich CASTELLANO Facial Plastic Surgery Earns Ýts Place On ‘most Popular’ Holiday Gift List
Trends show Tampa Bay is investing in the ‘gift of youth’ for close friends and family this holiday season Tampa, FL (December 07, 2011) – Let’s face it. Giving and receiving holiday gifts can be a daunting task. From fighting mall crowds to finding the perfect gift to faking enthusiasm for that less than appealing new sweater, we don’t always get (or give) a gift that’s truly wanted or needed. The good news is that giving our loved ones a gift that makes them look and feel better has become an increasingly popular choice in the Tampa Bay area. It’s facial cosmetic surgery. HolidayPraye... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Brotox A Phenomenon Popular Ýn Tampa Bay
More men refreshing their appearances with facial fillers than ever before Tampa, FL (January 23, 2011) – According to the Urban Dictionary, a “Bromance” describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males. Now, there’s a new term, “Brotox”– and it’s become increasingly popular throughout Tampa Bay. Brotox describes the phenomenon of “men’s men” refreshing their facial appearances with Botox and other popular facial fillers like Dysport, Radiesse, Sculptra, Xeomin, Perlane and and other nips and tucks – something this demographic might have historically shied away from... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Proof Positive, Facial Lifting Procedures Work
Face lifts remove about 9 years from faces, new study reveals Tampa, FL (February 22, 2012) – A new study released Monday, February 20th, 2012, in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery found that face lifting procedures really do make men and women look younger – almost 9 years younger to be exact. When shown photos of 60 participants that have had face lifting procedures, medical student evaluators rated that on average, these patients looked 8.9 years younger than their chronological age, post-surgery. Tampa-based double board certified facial cosmetic surgeon Richard Castellano, M... [more..]
Liposuction Is A Treatment For Obesity
[by Thomas LOCKE MD]
In the context of consultation for a body contouring procedure I am frequently asked: “How many pounds will I lose?” Conventional wisdom suggests that this is a bad prognostic sign. Traditional teaching and custom holds that liposuction is NOT a treatment for obesity. Patients focused on pounds and not appearance are not supposed to be good candidates for cosmetic surgery. In some plastic surgery practices the surgeon will not do a procedure on a patient with a BMI greater than 30. Lipo suction has traditionally been viewed as a treatment for the skinny ladies. Traditionally the “ideal pa... [more..]
Weight Loss After Pregnancy
[by Michele CAVENEE MD]
Postpartum Weight Loss Many women are faced with the task of shedding excess weight after childbearing, and they often seek medical guidance for weight loss. Some were overweight prior to pregnancy, while others gained excessive weight while “eating for two.” Regardless of the specific nature of the weight gain, the weeks and months following delivery involve attempts at weight loss for most women. Questions often arise as to how to safely accomplish weight loss after pregnancy, and whether or not special considerations are indicated when a new mother is breast-feeding. It is widely ... [more..]
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Alphonso WILLIS MD
Oncology (Cancer)
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Alphonso WILLIS recommended by Amanda :

Dr. Alphonso Willis is absolutely the most amazing and most caring physician I have ever met, and I would recommend to anyone who is battling cancer or a disease of the blood to seek his advice and to LISTEN to what he has to say. Thank you Dr. Willis!

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Family Medicine
Registered Site MemberHas 14 suggestionsAddress AvailablePhone Numbers AvailableCan be contacted by site visitorsHas 1 ArticlesPersonal Photo AvailableCV AvailableHas special expertise in certain sicknessHas TagsPersonal Info Available
Anubha JAIRAM recommended by Zoron20 :

Dr. Jairam is a very kind and generous soul. I have known her for years; she is always willing to help out. I think that one of her strong points is that she communicates clearly and effectively. God bless her.

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Florida, Celebration
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Steven MCCARUS recommended by irene :

experienced, friendly, and listened to what I had to say. I was scheduled for surgery pretty much according to when I could work it out . I am in good hands

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Issam Afif DAYA MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Issam Afif DAYA recommended by Janice :

Dr. Issam Daya diagnosed my endometriosis in May during a laparoscopy for pelvic pain. He followed up with Lupron treatments that didn't work, my body rejected Lupron. Dr. Daya will be performing my hysterectomy Nov. 17th. I find him easy to talk to, very professional, kind, compassionate and caring. He takes the time to discuss and answer any questions I have. I feel very blessed to have found such a wonderful Dr. I would definitely recommend him to anyone in need of a excellent OB/GYN. Thanks Dr. Daya and staff!

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Mary Jane DAVIS MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Mary Jane DAVIS recommended by Kelley :

Dr. Davis is the best OB/GYN doctor that I have been treated by. I would recommend her to anyone that has had any unusual female issues that have been left unresolved by their current treating physician.

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Martha Ellen HACKETT MD
Family Medicine
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Martha Ellen HACKETT recommended by Karen C :

Dr. Hackett has been my doctor for 25 years. She is very kind and considerate. I feel that she allows me to participate in my medical care decisions instead of dictating to me what I have to do. She is up on the latest information regarding treatment. I guess the fact that I have stayed with her all these years through a multitude of medical problems says the most.

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Fouad Mahmouad ABBAS MD
Oncology (Cancer)
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Fouad Mahmouad ABBAS recommended by ShellyMc :

Dr. Abbas is a very capable and knowledgeable gyn oncologist. He instantly made me feel comfortable and explained everything to me. He is the only doctor I ever had that sent ME a thank you note for coming to see him. The personal touch just really made me feel at ease and showed how much he cares about his patients. His staff is wonderful and caring as well. I am so thankful that my regular OB/GYN recommended Dr. Abbas when I was having abnormal paps.

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Subhas Chandra GUPTA
Subhas Chandra GUPTA MD
Plastic Surgery
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Subhas Chandra GUPTA recommended by Jennifer :

I really enjoyed my appointments with Dr. Gupta. He is very professional and really knowledgeable. He was able to give me great information to make my decisions based on what I wanted. I felt very empowered and smart after our appointments. He is genuinely kind and thoughtful. I will chose him in the future for any of my surgical/lasering needs. I wish him the best in his life.

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Frederick William DIETERICH MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Frederick William DIETERICH recommended by Kathleen K :

I have been a nurse for over 25 years and think this is one of the best doctors I have ever worked with or had as a personal physician. I recommend him to everyone I know or meet. As a Labor and Delivery nurse I have considerable personal knowledge and experience in the care and compassion he shows his patients-- especially in difficult times and difficult circumstances. I consider him an excellent diagnostician and very thorough in his patient care. He has excellent judgement and cares very much for his patients and their families. He is available to answer questions and takes the time to explain things to his patients so they understand all of their choices in their medical care and treatment. We need more practioners with his level of skill and compassion in the medical profession. Hope he never retires.

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K Ray SHRUM recommended by steven :


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Grant Richards COX
Grant Richards COX MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Grant Richards COX recommended by Kathy F :

Dr. Grant Cox (OB/GYN) diagnosed my fibroid tumors, treated me for anemia for three months, and then performed my hysterectomy two weeks ago. I found him easy to talk to, very professional, kind and considerate. He was very respectful of my personal concerns and needs. Also, I never had to wait! I arrived for my appointments early, was seen immediately, and sometimes found myself walking out the door only minutes after my scheduled appointment time. How rare in today's world! I would not hesitate recommending him and his excellent staff to anyone! Thank you Dr. Cox and staff!

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Clay Mulloy SHEARER MD
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Clay Mulloy SHEARER recommended by Amy :

I know Dr. Shearer and I have seen the wonderful work he has done. I have not had a skin cancer but I have seen his work first hand and I myself woud not have anyone else treat me except for Clay. I would strongly suggest him to anyone!

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Felicia Mae TILLMAN MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Felicia Mae TILLMAN recommended by Lori J :

Dr .Tillman, Is one of the most intelligent and sweetest individuals I know. I was a patient of another dct in the office who happen to be out the day I had a pregnancy exam and found out I had a miscarriage. I was very upset and they went and got Dr.T she was so sensitive to me and called me that night at home to check on me -she even volunteer to perform my surgery the next day. I became her Patient after that and that was over 6yrs ago and she has since delivered my last two children and we have become "good friends". My family and I are so Bless to know such a wonderful doctor and her beautiful family.

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Jane Veronica PETROFF MD
Allergy & Immunology
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Jane Veronica PETROFF recommended by Anonymous :

Dr. Petroff was able to help me when every other doctor had given up on me. The 1st time I met her I was a young child around 5 years old and had been to 3 doctors who told my mother that she was being paranoid and I just had a simple cold. It was actually much worse, I had bacterial meningitis. At that time, I was only the sixth or seventh case in the state. I thank God that my family took me to see this doctor, I may not be alive today if it wasn't for her or I could have lost my limbs due to the infection. But 20 years later if you met me, you'd never know I was ever that sick. Dr. Petroff is intelligent, kind, patient and attentive. I highly recommend her to anyone who is sick and not satisfied with the answers they are receiving from their current primary care physician. She has helped me treat my asthma (non existent at this time) and allergies as well.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Francoise T VANDAELE recommended by BMO :

Dr. Vandaele has been my OB/GYN for 15 years now and just recently delivered my first child. I will stay with her until she decides to retire, which I'm hoping is still many years away! We plan on having many more kids and hope to have her delivering all of them. She is very thorough, has great bed side manners, and takes the time to listen to what you have to say. Not only is she great but the entire staff makes you feel comfortable. I have also been through a couple of surgeries with her and had no problems, she explained everything in detail what to expect before and after the surgery. During the "dreaded visits", I feel at ease because I know that I am well taken care of and that she will always do everything to the best of her knowledge in caring for my health.

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Elaine Yilien CHANG MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Elaine Yilien CHANG recommended by Angela S :

Dr. Chang was an amazing doctor during 2 of my 3 pregnancies/deliveries. She is the most compassionate, fun-loving and knowlegable doctor. I only wish I knew her during my first pregnancy. Anyways, now that I'm experiencing "female problems", I'm getting to know her on a different level. She will be performing a total hysterectomy soon, and I couldn't be happier or more at ease. Thank you, Dr. Chang!

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Subhas Chandra GUPTA
Subhas Chandra GUPTA MD
Plastic Surgery
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Subhas Chandra GUPTA recommended by Becky :

I am so pleased with my surgery, I can't help but write about it and tell everyone I know! Dr Gupta performed an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and a breast augmentation (implants) on me two months ago and I look and feel great. I just got back from the first trip to the beach I have taken in years. I can not say enougn good things about Dr Gupta and his staff. Everyone was great and they all helped me have a great recovery.

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New York
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Sanchita YADALLA recommended by Michelle :

What an awesome dr!! I can't imagine what would have happened if she hadn't delivered my last baby! She was 10 lbs 3 oz. Dr Yadalla did a great job and my baby was healthy!! Thank you for your help and you are missed!!

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Massachusetts, Boston
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Antonio GARGIULO recommended by Jami :

Dr. G was my first specialist whom I met with, I loved him but not the commute, I met with other local doc's, including women doctors, none who had the compassion Dr. G has. I went back to him on many occasions after meeting and not connecting with other docs...I took some tiem off, and thinking of paying him another visit!

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New Mexico
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E Diane BOWERS recommended by torie :

I have been a practicing RN for over 30 years. Dr. Bowers performed endocrine surgery on me, a minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. I found her to be accessable, organized, thorough, extremely competent and considerate. I highly recommend her.

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