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BROTOX a phenomenon popular in Tampa Bay

Florida, Tampa
Plastic Surgery
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* Date : 07-16-2014 - 04:25 PM (3860 days ago),

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BROTOX a phenomenon popular in Tampa Bay

More men refreshing their appearances with facial fillers than ever before

Tampa, FL (January 23, 2011) – According to the Urban Dictionary, a “Bromance” describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males. Now, there’s a new term, “Brotox”– and it’s become increasingly popular throughout Tampa Bay. Brotox describes the phenomenon of “men’s men” refreshing their facial appearances with Botox and other popular facial fillers like Dysport, Radiesse, Sculptra, Xeomin, Perlane and and other nips and tucks – something this demographic might have historically shied away from. But that’s not necessarily the case anymore. Visits to facial plastic surgery practice, Image Lift, are up and they’re seeing men of all ages becoming more open about refreshing their appearances – and some of the reasons they are doing it may be surprising. Their women are gifting these cosmetic procedures!

brotox“One of society’s greatest myths may be that women are the only ones concerned about their appearances,” says Dr. Richard Castellano, a double board certified facial plastic surgeon and creator of Image Lift. “Naturally, we often hear women complaining about fine lines and wrinkles and expressing their serious desire in looking more youthful. However, we’re intrigued about seeing more male patients than we ever have over the last several months. More and more, girlfriends and wives are encouraging their men to come and see us.”

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 300,000 men injected Botox alone last year, a 10% increase over the year before and a 258% increase since 2000! “I only expect that number to rise,” states Dr. Castellano. “In addition to being encouraged by their female counterparts to get “Brotoxed,” the weaker job market and economy are also driving men to invest in non-invasive facial rejuvenation procedures like fillers.” And it’s not just facial fillers that men are turning to for a refreshed appearance – more than 160,000 men underwent laser skin resurfacing in 2010, a nearly 20% increase over the year before. Men are also taking notice of other facial injectables. Sculptra Aesthetic, a long lasting facial filler that delivers subtle results over time and helps the body replace lost collagen, saw a 36% increase in male patients over the last year. Image Lift also reported an increase in male patients for their popular minimally invasive facelift procedure that delivers age appropriate, natural looking results – not the overstretched look for which many celebrities are infamous.

So, exactly what kinds of men are choosing a more youthful appearance through the “Brotox” affect? Men of all ages and lifestyle backgrounds, ranging from executives, teachers, construction workers, and of course entertainers. “It may be that they are searching for a new relationship, a new job or just boost their confidence,” offers Dr. Castellano. “People come in for different reasons, but they all want the same thing; to look and feel their best. It may not be PC to say it, but we are judged by our appearance, and first impressions do count.”

While more than one million men opted for some type of cosmetic surgery over the past year, that number is expected to increase. Dr. Castellano’s best advice to men is the same as it is for women, “Do your research and choose an experienced board certified cosmetic surgeon whose only objective is to help you look as young as you feel, not overdone.”

To interview Dr. Castellano about the rising Brotox trend and for live demonstrations with a Brotox-er, please contact Kelly Diedring Harris at (727) 744-9894 or KellyDH@IdeaWorksCreate.com.

*Dr. Castellano is happy to perform live in-studio demonstrations and you are invited to photograph or video live procedures and interview Image Lift patients*

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