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Rich CASTELLANO Facial Plastic Surgery Earns Ýts Place On ‘most Popular’ Holiday Gift List
Trends show Tampa Bay is investing in the ‘gift of youth’ for close friends and family this holiday season Tampa, FL (December 07, 2011) – Let’s face it. Giving and receiving holiday gifts can be a daunting task. From fighting mall crowds to finding the perfect gift to faking enthusiasm for that less than appealing new sweater, we don’t always get (or give) a gift that’s truly wanted or needed. The good news is that giving our loved ones a gift that makes them look and feel better has become an increasingly popular choice in the Tampa Bay area. It’s facial cosmetic surgery. HolidayPraye... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Brotox A Phenomenon Popular Ýn Tampa Bay
More men refreshing their appearances with facial fillers than ever before Tampa, FL (January 23, 2011) – According to the Urban Dictionary, a “Bromance” describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males. Now, there’s a new term, “Brotox”– and it’s become increasingly popular throughout Tampa Bay. Brotox describes the phenomenon of “men’s men” refreshing their facial appearances with Botox and other popular facial fillers like Dysport, Radiesse, Sculptra, Xeomin, Perlane and and other nips and tucks – something this demographic might have historically shied away from... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Proof Positive, Facial Lifting Procedures Work
Face lifts remove about 9 years from faces, new study reveals Tampa, FL (February 22, 2012) – A new study released Monday, February 20th, 2012, in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery found that face lifting procedures really do make men and women look younger – almost 9 years younger to be exact. When shown photos of 60 participants that have had face lifting procedures, medical student evaluators rated that on average, these patients looked 8.9 years younger than their chronological age, post-surgery. Tampa-based double board certified facial cosmetic surgeon Richard Castellano, M... [more..]
Liposuction Is A Treatment For Obesity
[by Thomas LOCKE MD]
In the context of consultation for a body contouring procedure I am frequently asked: “How many pounds will I lose?” Conventional wisdom suggests that this is a bad prognostic sign. Traditional teaching and custom holds that liposuction is NOT a treatment for obesity. Patients focused on pounds and not appearance are not supposed to be good candidates for cosmetic surgery. In some plastic surgery practices the surgeon will not do a procedure on a patient with a BMI greater than 30. Lipo suction has traditionally been viewed as a treatment for the skinny ladies. Traditionally the “ideal pa... [more..]
Weight Loss After Pregnancy
[by Michele CAVENEE MD]
Postpartum Weight Loss Many women are faced with the task of shedding excess weight after childbearing, and they often seek medical guidance for weight loss. Some were overweight prior to pregnancy, while others gained excessive weight while “eating for two.” Regardless of the specific nature of the weight gain, the weeks and months following delivery involve attempts at weight loss for most women. Questions often arise as to how to safely accomplish weight loss after pregnancy, and whether or not special considerations are indicated when a new mother is breast-feeding. It is widely ... [more..]
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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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David John SCHLEICHER recommended by Miriam :

Dr. Schleicher is wonderful because he actually listened and heard what I had to say. He also was very patient and answered all of my questions regarding my hysterectomy. I would definitely recommend him to my friends and family or anyone else for that matter.

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Frederick Peter AMBROSE MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Frederick Peter AMBROSE recommended by Kristen M :

I have had a few different surgeries in my lifetime so far. Dr Ambrose impressed me by how "approachable" he is. Great bedside manner!!!! And it floored me when he personally called to follow up with me (not just one of his office staff). You always hear great things about certain doctors, and it was an honor to actually experience it first hand. Thank you ever so much.

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Stanley William PIERCE MD
Family Medicine
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Stanley William PIERCE recommended by bob k :

First visit, the PA identified a possible problem, setup the diagnostics, and scheduled me for a referral to an eye doctor, the exam revealed a problem. and corrective action is scheduled to take place. all inside a week. i like that a lot. And it was my first visit to this doctor. GREAT office staff! Bob

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Arizona, West Phoenix
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Florian WALTER recommended by spot tv mom :

I had a miscarriage last year. He was great- very nice and understanding. I ended up in the ER with complications and he was there in less than an hour. Prior to my trip to the ER he spoke to me several times on the phone before we decided I should go in. Nurses in the ER praised him- they said they couldn't believe how fast he got there. They also said that he was great. Nurses comments mean a lot since they see lots of Docs! Many OB's I guess make patients (having a miscarriage) wait hours to be seen. Under a stressful, scary situation he was great! Through the emergency surgery and afterwards!

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Florida, orlando
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Nikolaos PYRSOPOULOS recommended by anonymous :

He is excellent!

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Theodore T TSALTAS recommended by Ann :

I've seen Dr. Tsaltas for about 5 years and have found him to be supportative and knowledgeable. Most importantly he takes time to explain situations and procedures thoroughly and I've never felt rushed. He is a good listener. Can't say the same for some of my other doctors. My children were born years ago, so I can't speak to his services in regards to labor and delivery. However he performed a hysterectomy and has helped with HRT. I am comfortable recommending him.

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Deborah RONCO MD
Indiana, Indianapolis
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Deborah RONCO recommended by Cassie :

Dr. Ronco is so kind and caring. I felt that she explained everything in great detail, even drawing out diagrams to explain to me exactly what was going on in my body. She also had great follow up, asking how certain procedures worked and going on to the next thing if it didn't work. I came to her with some frustrating problems and now they are all fixed and I am back to normal. I would recommend her to anyone who wants a doctor who you are comfortable talking to and who shows sincere interest in you and your body.

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Nayla Zuheir MUMNEH MD
New Jersey
Allergy & Immunology
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Nayla Zuheir MUMNEH recommended by Nancy Ur :

A wonderful, caring allergy doctor. Terrific bedside manner, easy to talk with and very knowledgeable. I think she's great.

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Dirk Thomas CARLSON MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Dirk Thomas CARLSON recommended by Angela :

A friend recommended Dr. Carlson to me and I have not found a better OB-GYN out there. Dr. Carlson has been my doctor for about 5-6 years. I have seen him for my regular GYN checkups and also as an OB. He has delivered both of my two boys and was also my sister's doctor. You know going for a GYN visit is never fun, but Dr. Carlson really strives to make you comfortable and I always felt that I could ask him anything (even those really embarrassing questions). He is very educated and always has an upbeat personality. My husband also thought very highly of him and was able to talk to him easily. Another thing to mention is that Dr. Carlson has a great nurse, sometimes that is just as important. The office is very professional also. They offer financial advice, high tech equipment and a soothing atmosphere. I am only sorry that I have moved away from the area now and couldn't bring them with me.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Alison LYNCH-MILLER recommended by Ginger :

I had an LSH hysterectomy oopherectomy on September 8, 2008. Dr. Lynch-Miller was outstanding. She was very caring and listened to me and my needs. Highly recommended.

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David HALEY recommended by Dr. South :

An excellent doctor. The best in our area. I would suggest that anyone with a leg or foot problem should seek his care.

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Texas, Grand Prairie
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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James PETERS recommended by Jose :

Dr. Peters treats my wife. We are expecting, and he has been SUPER! He is very respectful, sensitive, and always makes us feel we are with the right person. You can tell he knows what he is doing, and has the experience to back it up as well. We are thankful he is our doctor!

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Rakesh GUPTA
New York
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Rakesh GUPTA recommended by neville :

At Gupta Gastro Associates we pay attention to every little detail. When a patient has a request or suggestion, we act upon it immediately. We conduct surveys daily to ensure each and every detail is getting proper attention. Our procedure wait time is approximately 600% less than any other Gastroenterologist in Brooklyn. Our ratings and reviews are consistently high. All of our patients are encouraged to voice their opinions to us. Majority of our patients are being referred by their friends and family. The safety and privacy offered within our facilities easily surpasses most hospital settings. The overall experience in our facilities is relaxing and homey. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to call (718)372-7434 -Neville Gupta -Administrator -Gupta Gastro Associates

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Mary Katherine SWIDERSKI MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Mary Katherine SWIDERSKI recommended by Linda S :

She is a doctor that really listens to you. A doctor that you feel comfortable enough to share all your thoughts with.

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Kent Lowell SNOWDEN MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Kent Lowell SNOWDEN recommended by Elizabeth :

I have been going to Dr. Snowden for years and years. I am an "older" woman who was in her early 40s and past childbearing years when I first started seeing him. I would like to not only recommend Dr. Snowden as an ob but also as a gyn. He and his office have always treated me with the utmost courtesy and kindness. The few times I have had something other than a well-woman exam, his staff has gotten me in to see either Dr. Snowden or an associate that same day. Another thing I so appreciate about Dr. Snowden is that after my exam, I talk with him in his office fully dressed. To me, this shows an enormous amount of respect on his part. I can recommend him without reservation!

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Arturo Santiago MANAS MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Arturo Santiago MANAS recommended by Julie :

I have never met a doctor with such a wonderful bedside manner.

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Alen COHEN recommended by Derrick :

I saw Dr. Cohen regarding my parathyroid adenoma. He did a minimally invasive parathyroidectomy and I couldn't be happier with him and the results. My incision is tiny, my pain was minimal and no voice issues. He is the best in L.A. I think. Definitely worth the drive out to his office.

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Vijayakumar BANGARUSWAMY recommended by B.Murugesan :

Dr. Vijayakumar is a wonderful person. He is very knowledgeable and considered as one of the best in his field of neurology. He takes care of his patients with utmost care. He is very pleasant and friendly. Bottom line: Dr. Kumar knows what he is doing and provides best care to his patients.

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General Practice
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Loren SORIA recommended by SMB :

He spends a great deal of time with each patient, answering all the questions you may have. He has a great sense of humor, is very cheerful and his staff is the same way.

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Pam RATHBONE recommended by AB :

Pam is great with hormone replacement therapy as well as other aspects of Womens Health. I was suffering for a long time before I found her. Not only does she listen to your needs but she has been through alot of the things herself and can relate you your issues

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