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Rich CASTELLANO Facial Plastic Surgery Earns Ýts Place On ‘most Popular’ Holiday Gift List
Trends show Tampa Bay is investing in the ‘gift of youth’ for close friends and family this holiday season Tampa, FL (December 07, 2011) – Let’s face it. Giving and receiving holiday gifts can be a daunting task. From fighting mall crowds to finding the perfect gift to faking enthusiasm for that less than appealing new sweater, we don’t always get (or give) a gift that’s truly wanted or needed. The good news is that giving our loved ones a gift that makes them look and feel better has become an increasingly popular choice in the Tampa Bay area. It’s facial cosmetic surgery. HolidayPraye... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Brotox A Phenomenon Popular Ýn Tampa Bay
More men refreshing their appearances with facial fillers than ever before Tampa, FL (January 23, 2011) – According to the Urban Dictionary, a “Bromance” describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males. Now, there’s a new term, “Brotox”– and it’s become increasingly popular throughout Tampa Bay. Brotox describes the phenomenon of “men’s men” refreshing their facial appearances with Botox and other popular facial fillers like Dysport, Radiesse, Sculptra, Xeomin, Perlane and and other nips and tucks – something this demographic might have historically shied away from... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Proof Positive, Facial Lifting Procedures Work
Face lifts remove about 9 years from faces, new study reveals Tampa, FL (February 22, 2012) – A new study released Monday, February 20th, 2012, in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery found that face lifting procedures really do make men and women look younger – almost 9 years younger to be exact. When shown photos of 60 participants that have had face lifting procedures, medical student evaluators rated that on average, these patients looked 8.9 years younger than their chronological age, post-surgery. Tampa-based double board certified facial cosmetic surgeon Richard Castellano, M... [more..]
Liposuction Is A Treatment For Obesity
[by Thomas LOCKE MD]
In the context of consultation for a body contouring procedure I am frequently asked: “How many pounds will I lose?” Conventional wisdom suggests that this is a bad prognostic sign. Traditional teaching and custom holds that liposuction is NOT a treatment for obesity. Patients focused on pounds and not appearance are not supposed to be good candidates for cosmetic surgery. In some plastic surgery practices the surgeon will not do a procedure on a patient with a BMI greater than 30. Lipo suction has traditionally been viewed as a treatment for the skinny ladies. Traditionally the “ideal pa... [more..]
Weight Loss After Pregnancy
[by Michele CAVENEE MD]
Postpartum Weight Loss Many women are faced with the task of shedding excess weight after childbearing, and they often seek medical guidance for weight loss. Some were overweight prior to pregnancy, while others gained excessive weight while “eating for two.” Regardless of the specific nature of the weight gain, the weeks and months following delivery involve attempts at weight loss for most women. Questions often arise as to how to safely accomplish weight loss after pregnancy, and whether or not special considerations are indicated when a new mother is breast-feeding. It is widely ... [more..]
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Jeffrey Mark WEBER MD
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Jeffrey Mark WEBER recommended by Justine Moe :

I have been seeing this Dr for years when I lived in Milwaukee and then I moved out to Hartland and I still see him, even though I have to travel a ways for the appt. He's very down to earth and says it like it is, no beating around the bush but he does it in a gentle way

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Stephen James FARMER MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Stephen James FARMER recommended by Deanne Schram :

I became Dr. Farmer's patient 22 years ago when he diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis and began treating me at that time. I was a scared 23 year old new mother and he did his best to let me know that my life was not over. Through the years he has aggressively treated my disease with the latest medications. He treats the whole person. He works hard to coordinate all medications that I take with all my doctors. He is also has such a positive outlook and passes that to all his patients. I wouldn't be where I am today without him.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Jeremiah WHITTINGTON recommended by Shairlyn Small :

My family doctor suggested Dr. Whittington to me and may have saved my life! I was really impressed with the office staff as well. Eveyone in the office it wonderful and very helpful and most important extremly courteous. Dr. Whittington is by far one of best OBGYN's that I've been to. I recommended him to all of friends and family. I am one week into my post op and I had to call him and his office several times for concerns and problems and they wasted no time getting back with me. After my surgery he explained everything to me and my husband. I can't find right words to express what a great doctor he is.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Hossein GHANBARI recommended by Deanne Schram :

I have been his patient for 20 years. He has taken extremely good care of me through my problems with infertility and endometriosis and did my hysterectomy/oophorectomy in 2004. I visit his office every 3 week for hormone replacement shots and his office staff is excellent. He is extremely busy and you have to wait but the quality of his medical knowledge and practice is well worth it. He has helped me through a scare with a breast lump and he immediately had me referred for further tests and has continued to follow up with this situation. I highly recommend him.

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Stephanie Hope GORDON MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Stephanie Hope GORDON recommended by gwin :

I was her patient and she did my hysterectomy. She and her staff are wonderful. She limits her practice to gynocology. She is the best for a small town like Conyers.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Brian H DUNKELBERGER recommended by Kimberly Moore :

I have seen this doctor for 16 years. This fall during a check-up he felt a tumor on my ovary. He sent me for ultrasounds and then we discussed my options. Since ovarian cancer runs in my family, I took the option of having the ovary and tumor removed, with the option that if it was cancer or endometrosis that I would have a complete hysterectomy. I had never had surgery in my life and he made me feel so at ease. He told me to call him ANYTIME with questions prior to the surgery and after my surgery he checked on me 3 times a day and then when I went home he called each week until my 2 week checkup. Everything turned out fine with my tumor it was benign but his compassion and dedication to his patients and the respect he gets from his nursing staff and the nurses at the hospital tell me that he is one great man. I have trusted him with my health and have never once been disappointed or upset about my care/treatment. He is always on time with his appointments, takes the time to... [More..]

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Timothy Osborne WILSON MD
Oncology (Cancer)
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Timothy Osborne WILSON recommended by Nicole Kern :

Dr. Wilson is amazing! He did such a great job handling my case, keeping me informed and making me feel very safe. Due to my returning to my home area 6 hours away from him after my hysterectomy and lyphandectomy, he told me to email him any concerns or questions about my condition. I emailed him and he would respnd within ONE day. I am very impressed with the care he gave me. I would recommend him to anyone with a gynecological oncology issue.

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John Tunnicliff SOPER MD
North Carolina
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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John Tunnicliff SOPER recommended by Sande Maxim Parker :

Dr. John Soper is my gyn/oncologist and has been since I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 2002. He was with Duke Hospital when I had my hysterectomy but is now with the NC Womens Hospital. Dr. Soper is an amazing man. He is kind, friendly, has a sense of humor and he knows his stuff. I had complications and had to be resuscitated twice. Dr. Soper saved my life, plain and simple. I couldn't recommend anyone more highly than I do this man. I respect him very much and I feel that he returns that respect. I never feel rushed when I see him and he comes in the exam room prepared, having read my chart beforehand. I can't say enough good about Dr. Soper. You won't go wrong with him.

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Florida, Celebration
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Steven MCCARUS recommended by Erin :

LAPAROSCOPIC SUPRA-CERVICAL HYSTERECTOMY: Dr. McCarus was highly recommended to me by my personal gynecologist. It was because, I was told, Dr. McCarus is a leading surgeon in his field and works at a hospital that is a teaching hospital and I was told he has access to the finest, updated equipment. When I went to consult with Dr. McCarus, he was upbeat, positive, friendly and professional, and he helped me come to a decision that would be the best way to handle my situation. I had been dealing with a fibroid tumor that happened to be the kind that caused pain and constant bleeding to the point of severe anemia. My personal gynecolgist had been working with me for 2 years trying to help me with every possible avenue to save the uterus. When it became apparent I needed a hysterectomy, he sent me to Dr. McCarus. My doctor said that he himself could do the surgery but knowing the reputation of Dr. McCarus, he opted to send me to him. In February of 2006, Dr. McCarus performed a la... [More..]

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Leslie Baker BREITEN MD
New York
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Leslie Baker BREITEN recommended by Laura Lee :

I had a hysterectomy three years ago and Leslie Breiten was my doctor. She is wonderful, caring and thorough. She is also a great listener. I have not had any problems since the surgery. When I first went to Dr. Breiten, I told her my symptons and she discovered that was VERY anemic, so much so that I could not be operated on right away. I had to build up my iron for a few weeks first. I had seen three other doctors before discovering her and becuase no one really listened to what I was saying, no of them diagnosed me as anemic. It was to the point where I would pass out sometimes. This went on for two years. Dr. Brieten saw me that first time, listended to all my symptons, did a simple blood test and dtermined I was anemic. I had heavy periods, a prolapsed bladder and cystolcele. Dr. Breiten performed my hysterectomy just before Christmas and when I woke up and looked at my bandages, I noticed that she had cut them into Christmas Trees and Candy Canes before adhereing them t... [More..]

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Oklahoma, Enid
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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David KUECHEL recommended by Catina Sundvall :

From the begining of my hyster journey, I was shuffeled to many doctors. All of them agreed I needed the suregery, but none would do it because I was "too young". Dr Kuechel saw me and again agreed with all the others, but he worked with me to discover the possible outcomes. Many years later, when I was encountering other problems, he was quick to find the problem that was not what other doctors had suggested. He was a great comfort and an excellent doctor.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Philippa J RIBBINK recommended by KC :

This was a Dr who really listened to my health problem & tried other ways before surgery, to help. Surgery was easy & recovery was too! She listened to all my concerns & didn't have any problems with my desires to use " natural" medicine (ND) before & after. I ended up having a LAVH. She treated me with care, comfort, & dignity. I find male Dr's cannot understand this operation like female Dr's do. She took the greatest care! (Everywomans Health Office at Emanuel Hospital, Portland,OR)

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West Virginia, Morgantown
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David MCFADDEN recommended by Earlene Carter :

Dr. McFadden is very personable and caring. I was so impressed when i emailed him asking him a few questions and he took the time to email me back. Very impressive for a doctor to email back. Also, when i had to have a second surgery for the same thing, i emailed him and he emailed back and he actually set everything up for me. I didn't even have to call his office to get the appts. taken care of. When he had a time and date for this surgery, he emailed me back and let me know when it was. I would definitely recommend Dr. McFadden to anyone. He is the chief of surgical specialties.

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West Virginia
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Mahreen HASHMI recommended by Earlene Carter :

I have been with Dr. Hashmi now for 6 years. She is very personable, caring and a super nice person. I didn't think i would like a female gyn, but when i met her, i knew from the very beginning i was going to love this woman! She has performed several surgeries on me (laporoscopy, ovary removal) all with success! I would definitely recommend Dr. Hashmi to anyone. You won't be disappointed!

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Oncology (Cancer)
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Robert S MANNEL recommended by Cheri Fletcher :

I was a patient of Dr. Mannel's, who specializes in oncology/gynocology. Dr. Mannel was very caring throughout my ordeal that started with an ovarian tumor and then ended with a hysterectomy 4 years later. I can't tell you how wonderful he was. I received the best care. He was very thorough in helping me recover from some very serious health issues. He took the time to listen to me and never hurried me through my checkups and for that I am very grateful.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Dalibor HRADEK recommended by Christen Ward :

I recommend this doctor for almost any women's help issues. He is extremely thorough and caring. He always makes sure you are comfortable and is addressing all issues you may be having. Dr. Hradek is always cheerful, friendly and comforting. He makes it a point to know your name when he sees you and know your history and chart inside and out to the point of not needing it to speak with you even before surgery. He surprised me with this when he was referencing details about my medical history and allergies while speaking with me prior to surgery. When I was having some health issues, he gave my husband his personal mobile phone number. He didn't blink an eye and actually talked about what a good husband I had when we called him out of the Lima Symphony Orchestra! He is more than willing to help resolve any medical issue and if he work with any other specialists when necessary. I have lived in a lot of different states and had many other doctors. I am very fortunate for having ... [More..]

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Charles B EVANS MD
North Carolina
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Charles B EVANS recommended by Kim :

Dr. Evans is a very goood gyn doctor. He is very easy to talk to and makes you feel very comfortable. He always has you come into his office after your visit and he gives you as much time as you need to talk to him you never feel rushed and always feel important. I know many women of all age groups from my teenage daughter to grandmothers that all love him and his staff You can call them anytime and they will talk to you like a friend would talk to you

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Jennifer Sue ALLEN MD
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Jennifer Sue ALLEN recommended by Beth :

Dr. Jennifer Allen was my 2nd daughter's Dr. when she was born. She had swallowed Meconium when she was born and after birth they examined her and put her in ICU. They were making sure it didn't go in her lungs and cause Pneumonia. Dr. Allen was there to examine and take over her care. She was very thorough in her examination and her care was wonderful. She is so kind and very dedicated to her patients and in making decisions that the young ones can't make. She makes the parents feel at ease and explains everything she is doing to take care of your children. We have taken both our daughter's too her since birth and still are. We have had many sicknesses and we can call day and night and she will meet us at the office. I feel as if she is apart of our family. I definately suggest her as a Pediatrician for your children.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Leroy H PARKS recommended by Beth :

Dr. Parks is a wonderful Obstetrician and Gynecologist. He delivered my 1st daughter and he is a very kind and supportive Dr. He listens to what you have to say and you work on the treatments and decide together. I was having alot of female problems and was facing a hysterectomy and instead of rushing to perform it he suggested alternate treatments. I had painful periods, uterine prolapse and many other problems. The treatments were still not working so in 2001 I had a total hysterectomy and I was very apprehensive and scared of the not knowing what to expect. Dr. Parks eased my fears and told me step by step what was going to happen and my anxiety went away. He treated me as I was one of his own family and that made me feel very good. I am blessed to call him my Dr. and I would suggest him to everyone who needs his services.

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Washington, Puyallup, WA
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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James MAJORS recommended by Mary Hinman :

I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Majors. He is very skilled at his job and made me feel very confident things would be fine, and they were!! He is great!!

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