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Rich CASTELLANO Facial Plastic Surgery Earns Ýts Place On ‘most Popular’ Holiday Gift List
Trends show Tampa Bay is investing in the ‘gift of youth’ for close friends and family this holiday season Tampa, FL (December 07, 2011) – Let’s face it. Giving and receiving holiday gifts can be a daunting task. From fighting mall crowds to finding the perfect gift to faking enthusiasm for that less than appealing new sweater, we don’t always get (or give) a gift that’s truly wanted or needed. The good news is that giving our loved ones a gift that makes them look and feel better has become an increasingly popular choice in the Tampa Bay area. It’s facial cosmetic surgery. HolidayPraye... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Brotox A Phenomenon Popular Ýn Tampa Bay
More men refreshing their appearances with facial fillers than ever before Tampa, FL (January 23, 2011) – According to the Urban Dictionary, a “Bromance” describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males. Now, there’s a new term, “Brotox”– and it’s become increasingly popular throughout Tampa Bay. Brotox describes the phenomenon of “men’s men” refreshing their facial appearances with Botox and other popular facial fillers like Dysport, Radiesse, Sculptra, Xeomin, Perlane and and other nips and tucks – something this demographic might have historically shied away from... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Proof Positive, Facial Lifting Procedures Work
Face lifts remove about 9 years from faces, new study reveals Tampa, FL (February 22, 2012) – A new study released Monday, February 20th, 2012, in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery found that face lifting procedures really do make men and women look younger – almost 9 years younger to be exact. When shown photos of 60 participants that have had face lifting procedures, medical student evaluators rated that on average, these patients looked 8.9 years younger than their chronological age, post-surgery. Tampa-based double board certified facial cosmetic surgeon Richard Castellano, M... [more..]
Liposuction Is A Treatment For Obesity
[by Thomas LOCKE MD]
In the context of consultation for a body contouring procedure I am frequently asked: “How many pounds will I lose?” Conventional wisdom suggests that this is a bad prognostic sign. Traditional teaching and custom holds that liposuction is NOT a treatment for obesity. Patients focused on pounds and not appearance are not supposed to be good candidates for cosmetic surgery. In some plastic surgery practices the surgeon will not do a procedure on a patient with a BMI greater than 30. Lipo suction has traditionally been viewed as a treatment for the skinny ladies. Traditionally the “ideal pa... [more..]
Weight Loss After Pregnancy
[by Michele CAVENEE MD]
Postpartum Weight Loss Many women are faced with the task of shedding excess weight after childbearing, and they often seek medical guidance for weight loss. Some were overweight prior to pregnancy, while others gained excessive weight while “eating for two.” Regardless of the specific nature of the weight gain, the weeks and months following delivery involve attempts at weight loss for most women. Questions often arise as to how to safely accomplish weight loss after pregnancy, and whether or not special considerations are indicated when a new mother is breast-feeding. It is widely ... [more..]
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Elizabeth HUNG MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Elizabeth HUNG recommended by Alfie :

Dr. Elizabeth Hung is a doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is wonderful. She was very prompt, friendly, curteous, upbeat, and open with her care. She delivered my baby flawlessly. Since then I have been seeing her for my regular check-ups, and I am absolutely pleased. She was willing to work with me on whatever questions or aspects of care that I had for her. I was given her name by friends, and I feel that I should do the same for you all. She was fantastic, and I would recommend her to my sister!

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Plastic Surgery
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Ross Alan CLEVENS recommended by Eveline :

All of the doctor's wives go to Dr. Clevens; he is known as the doctor's doctor. He is an artist and a perfectionist. Dr. Clevens often fixes other doctor's mistake. I had a facelift and eyelid lift by another doctor in Melbourne/Orlando who said he was a plastic surgeon, but it turns out he was only an eye doctor. I was left scarred and looking worse than before my surgery. I saw several other doctors from Vero Beach to Melbourne, Orlando and Jacksonville. They said they couldn't help. Dr. Clevens took on my case and re-did all the work the other doctor did. I now look fantastic and I am so so happy! Please don't make the same mistake I made, go to Dr. Clevens FIRST for your facial cosmetic surgery.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Stephen A TURNER recommended by Chrystal :

Dr. Turner is very thurough and has an excellent bedside manner. I have been a patient of his for roughly 6 years now and I highly recommend him to everyone! I delivered my last child at Grant Medical Center and wish I had been seeing Dr. Turner with my previous 3. I have seen him in the past for obstetrics and now am seeing him for gynecological management. He stays up to date on new products/drugs/procedures that help his patient population and I believe that his expertise is of any age group. I trust his opinion and with that in mind, he is very open to the patient's concerns and does not force his opinion. He is really the best of the best!

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James Todd HANNAH MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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James Todd HANNAH recommended by Kristy :

I was a patient of Dr. Hannah's when he was in Searcy. He delivered my first and presently only child and he was the most compassionate doctor I have ever met. I was young and had no clue what I was doing. He was so very helpful to me. When it came time for the birth, he slept in the room across the hall so he could be ready when I needed him. It meant so much to me to have the same doctor from beginning to end. I plan to return to his care now that he is in Bentonville.

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Brandon HAWKINS recommended by Steven M :

I have been a patient of Dr. Hawkins for several years when he use to go to the KMC clinic. Recently I was told I need to lose my leg because of infection. When I had no other options I turned to Dr. Hawkins. He did the surgery on my ankle for free and saved my foot and leg. I am back in a brace and grateful to Dr. Hawkins.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Karen Lee GALLAGHER recommended by carrie :

Dr. Gallagher delivered my son by c-section and did a great job! she now is helping me to recover from a hysterectomy and has gone above and beyond to find me help. she is truly a rare find, with her compassion and kindness you feel like the only patient in the office.

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Carole Lynn NEUMAN MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Carole Lynn NEUMAN recommended by April T :

Dr. Neuman is a great doctor. She is a female physician which is a plus for OBGYN. She has always made me feel comfortorable and is very caring. She delivered my 14 year old daughter and I just love her. I am also a surgical technichian and have scrubbed several cases with her. I know forst hand in more ways than one that this Dr. is reliable and experienced.

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James RADERS recommended by Wendy O :

I would recommend Dr. James Raders to any woman dealing with pelvic floor problems. Dr. Raders is outstanding in all aspects. The care I've received from him and his team has been topnotch. He is definitely pioneering new techniques that are giving women the ability to lead "normal" lives. He also has mastered good bed-side manner, is very caring, and has a good sense of humor, to boot, which doesn't hurt! He certainly isn't the type to make light of the situation, but is easy to joke around with. He gets an A+.

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Vinson (Vince) THOMPSON MD
Arizona, Phoenix
Oncology (Cancer)
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Vinson (Vince) THOMPSON recommended by Deb :

My gyn doc highly recommended Dr. Thompson after discovering a strange growth during my hysterectomy. Dr. Thomson was incredibly gentle, kind and listened patiently while I spoke. I will return to him as often as I need to and highly recommend him to anyone needing a gyn-oncologist.

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Georgia, Blue Ridge
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Kim DENTON recommended by Cherie H :

She is wonderful. She is understanding and makes the WHOLE process smoother. I have had three chldren and I am 40, I have NEVER had an OBGYN like her. I drive over an hour to see her, it is worth it.

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Kay Hilscher CHANDLER MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Kay Hilscher CHANDLER recommended by Nolana :

Dr Chandler is one of the kindest,compasionate and caring doctors I have ever used. Her nursing staff is wonderful too. She has been my gyn since 2005. I have had female problems and low bloodcounts for some time now, Dr Chandler has done test on me and if she felt that I needed another Dr of expertise she would not hesitate to refer me. Ater almost 4 years of having problems with my female organs and being on multiple meds, we decided since I was through having children that we would do a total hysterectomy. I had a Davinci Hysterectomy done on April 14th, before surgery she prayed with me. I don't feel like I am just another patient to her, I feel that she genually cares..

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Oncology (Cancer)
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Neil Jay FINKLER recommended by Francine :

If you appreciate honest answers to your questions, then Dr. Finkler is definitely the doctor for you. I was diagnosed with an Atypical Complex Hyperplasia of the Endometrium after a D&C and was referred to a Gynecologic Oncologist, Dr. Finkler. He was friendly and attentive. I was immediately put at ease. With all of my questions answered and full confidence in Dr. Finkler, I scheduled my total abdominal hysterectomy for the very next morning. At the hospital, Dr. Finkler made sure to come see me before surgery and answer any last minute questions I or my family had. After surgery, he again made sure to come see me. Most of the time you never see your doctor during your hospital stay. This was not the case with Dr. Finkler. I saw him each morning during my stay. Ten days after surgery (on a Saturday), I visited the ER for a slight infection around my staples. After leaving the ER, I called Dr. Finkler's answering service to let him know what happened and to ask what I should do next. ... [More..]

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Louise Isabel SCHNEIDER MD
Internal Medicine
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Louise Isabel SCHNEIDER recommended by ANONYMOUS :

Womens'' Health internal medicine.Doctor Schneider is very friendly out going makes you feel relaxed.Never compares herself to other doctors like she is better then them.The question was asked 'HOW CAN DOCTOR SCHNEIDER IMPROVE HERSELF TO BE A BETTER DOCTOR?She already has they don't come no better then this.And Doctor Schneider is the best that you can possibly get.They don't come any better then what she already is.Listens to patients well.Very responsive to her patients medical needs.And takes the time to listen. Very willing to try other forms of treatment if one form of treatment dose not work.Will not push patients' needs aside.I have had her as my doctor going on many years and she has been rated as one of the best doctors in Boston Massachusetts a title she justly and righteously deserves.I am her patient and I trust with my life.And I would recommend her most definably.The service is fantastic.The doctor treated me well and she treated me for my medical needs.

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Robert Jeffrey ALTMAN MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Robert Jeffrey ALTMAN recommended by Alejandra :

Dr. Altman is very thourough in explaining the proceedures that he will be conducting, is willing to sit down and discuss any issues or questions his patients may have and always makes me feel very comfortable in his presence. When he did my surgery, he did everything that he could to make me feel less stressed and anxious about the procedure. I really appreciated his gestures of kindess.

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Thomas Luben LAZOFF MD
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
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Thomas Luben LAZOFF recommended by may :

very thorough

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John Anthony OGDEN MD
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John Anthony OGDEN recommended by Shirley P :

I came under the care of Dr. Ogden in 1975 as a 6 year old child. I had a mysterious disease which resulted in the infection of ALL my joints (esp. my legs). I was on antibiotics at the time, which rendered all tests with false negatives, which left the doctors in a quandary. When I arrived at Yale, other doctors had suggested to my parents that I get both legs amputated in order to save my life. Dr. Ogden refused that suggestion and began using a barrage of meds to kill the infection. While other doctors thought I'd either die or lose the ability to walk, this wonderful man believed otherwise. Today, I'm a healthy 40 year old woman with two perfectly healthy legs. Although I have osteoarthritis in my joints due to that disease 34 years ago, it's minor when compared to the other options I faced. I can't begin to say how much i appreciate this doctor, and he determination to find ways to keep his patients functioning to their best potential.

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Internal Medicine
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Ellis W JOHNSON recommended by abby :

He's my daddy!!!!

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Wayne Smith BLOCKER MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Wayne Smith BLOCKER recommended by Shaila T :

Dr.Wayne Blocker is a great Dr. he is very kind and make you feel comfortable with obg and Gyn exams. He delivered my baby through c section. I strongly recommend him to all. He never makes his patients to wait for him. He is very understanding and caring.

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Arizona, West Phoenix
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Florian WALTER recommended by Cendy :

well first of all i have had over 10 gyn doc's and they were not the best but ever since i have had dr.walter i really do not plan on switching doc's anymore. around the month of january of this year i had to go in to the er for abdominal pain, but come to find out i had a tumor in my left ovary. the nurses were trying to get ahold of my old doc but when i told them that i wanted a new doc they said "you will have to wait a whole day" within that same afternoon dr. walter arrived. he made me feel releaved and comfortable with my situation and the procedures he expained to me, that he would be removing my ovary along with the tumor. after the surgery everything turned out fine, and know where my incisions where at, i have no scares i really appreciate everything he has done for me and i would recommend anyone and everyone! which is why he is the only one that i will be seeing know for a gyn and possibly an ob.

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Vinson (Vince) THOMPSON MD
Arizona, Phoenix
Oncology (Cancer)
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Vinson (Vince) THOMPSON recommended by Monique :

I wholeheartedly agree with the many ladies who have already expressed gratitude and appreciation for Dr. Thompson. I was first exposed to him 10 years ago when I was 27 and diagnosed with Ovarian Dysgerminoma that was growing outside of the ovary. Dr. Thompson did an amazing job at cutting out most of the tumor growth despite being wrapped around arteries and the like. My ob/gyn attended the surgery and couldn't stop describing Dr. Thompson's skill with a scalpal. At this same time, my husband had terminal colo-rectal cancer and was only a few weeks from dying. He was so kind to me realizing I was going through so much more than just my own sickness. In addition, I had to see him again recently due to Cervical cancer. I can't tell you what a comfort and relief it is to know that once again I'll be in excellent hands with the best gynecology oncologist in the state.

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